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Autori i suradnici na izradi Izvještaja o stanju planeta 2024. su:
Editorial Team:
Rebecca Shaw (WWF-Global Science): Editor-in-chief
Kimberley Marchant (WWF-Global Science): Managing editor
Amanda Kegu (WWF-Global Science): Editorial manager
Alex Batka (WWF-Global Science): Editor
Kate Graves (WWF-Global Science): Production manager
Samantha Cheng (WWF-Global Science): Evidence lead
Mabel Baez Schon, Emily Mills and Nasser Olwero (WWF-Global Science): Editorial support
Barney Jeffries ( Writer and editor
Weirdesign: Graphic designer
Steering Committee
Zach Abraham (WWF International), Mike Barrett (WWF-United Kingdom), Katie Gough (WWF International), Chris Hallam (WWF-Greater Mekong), Else Hendel (WWF-Norway), Aimée Leslie (WWF-Peru), Rebecca Shaw (WWF-Global Science) and Jeff Worden (WWF International)
Maud Abdelli (WWF-Switzerland), Zach Abraham (WWF International), Dominic Andradi-Brown (WWF-United States), Mike Barrett (WWF-United Kingdom), Nathan Bennett (WWF-Global Science), Becky Chaplin-Kramer (WWF-Global Science), Samantha Cheng (WWF-Global Science), Stefanie Deinet (Zoological Society of London), Robin Freeman (Zoological Society of London), Sarah Glaser (WWF-United States), Rachel Golden-Kroner (WWF-United States), Brent Loken (WWF-Global Science), Valentina Marconi (Zoological Society of London), Louise McRae (Zoological Society of London), Ravic Nijbroek (WWF-Netherlands), Jeff Opperman (WWF-Global Science), Pablo Pacheco (WWF-Global Science), Hannah Puleston (Zoological Society of London), Stephanie Roe (WWF-Global Science), Lucia Ruiz (WWF-United States), Kirsten Schuijt (WWF International), Abel Valdivia (WWF-United States), Aaron Vermeulen (WWF International) and Daniel Viana (WWF-United States)
WWF contributors
This report is the result of extensive consultation and contributions from our colleagues across the WWF Network. WWF staff offered their expertise, knowledge and feedback on the content of this Living Planet Report. We express our profound gratitude and respect for their invaluable contributions to this report.
Special thanks
We are grateful for the valuable insight and input provided by our collaborators at the University of Exeter: Jesse Abrams, Tim Lenton, Tom Powell and Steve Smith as well as advisers: Rosamunde Almond and Winnie De’Ath. We would also like to thank everyone who kindly added data to the Living Planet Database ( and specifically those who supported data collection in the last two years: data for Brazil: Filipe Serrano (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Helga Correa Wiederhecker (WWF-Brazil); data for migratory freshwater fish: Zeb Hogan (University of Nevada, United States), Samol Chhuoy (Royal University of Agriculture & Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia) and Peng Bun Ngor (Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia). We would also like to acknowledge the attendees of the Living Planet Index (LPI) development workshop held at ZSL in September 2023 and their contributions to the short and long-term recommendations for LPI development.